03 September 2012

Food Snapper, Arise!

Hi guys! I'm fully aware that I haven't posted anything other than some progress updates of my comics project. By the way, last week I just changed to a new mobilephone and while migrating my data from the old mobile to the new one I just realized that there are roughly 1,500 pictures about food that I've snapped since several years ago.

So starting from today, I will post more entries in "Food and Beverage" category. Well, you won't find any review on the food I posted though. I will only state the name of the restaurant/shop, the address & phone number (if available), and the rating on the scale of 4. Why only 4, not 10? Well, if the food is not good then perhaps I won't even bother to post it here. Anyway, below is the rating system. Onward!:)


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